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What genetic diseases or problems did you identify to be potential issues?

  • Topic: Hypertension
  • Style: APA
  • Number of pages: 3 pages/double spaced (825 words)
  • PowerPoint slides: 0
  • Number of source/references: 3
  • Extra features: –
Order instructions:

In a paper of 750–1,000 words, address the following about hypertension:
What genetic diseases or problems did you identify to be potential issues?

Choose one of these diseases and provide an introduction of the disease, including the reason why this would be considered to be a genetic/inherited disease?

Discuss the major signs/symptoms of the disorder. Research the mode of inheritance for your chosen disease and provide a thorough discussion of the mode of inheritance. If you are not able to find a specific mode of inheritance, provide a hypothesis for the mode of inheritance.

Explain your reasoning thoroughly. What information would help an individual who has been recently diagnosed with the disease? what would you say to a family member who is also at risk for developing it and passing the disease down.


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