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Online booking services

Instruction for assessment


Choose an area relevant to your area of training in the Tourism, Hospitality and Events Industry. This may include Accommodation Services, Front Office, Cookery, Food and Beverage, Tourism, Travel or Events.

Respond to each of the following questions with appropriate contextual responses. Each question must be completed.

My industryis restaurant and  our service is online booking service. Deliver service and Free Wi-Fi serviceand  dietary requirement menu especially  dinner dining food service.

  1. Provide 5 examples of products and services you offer in your chosen field.Imagine you are talking to a customer and briefly describe each ofthe products and services.

5 examples of products and services are

  • Free Wi-Fidrink produced
  • Delivery service Finger food product
  • Parking service

Bar service

  • Catering service
  1. Provide 3 examples of add-ons and extras available in your area and explain the benefits or advantages to the customer if taken as a package.
  • early birds parking: Simply enter and exit the car park during specified time periods geared to 9 to 5 and enjoy discounted rates.
  • Happy hours: Order drink between 7-10 pm and enjoy discounted rates.
  • Lunch menu 12to 4 pm one clod drinks free
  1. Choose 1 of the add-ons or extras and describe 2 methods for how you could effectively sell the additional item.
    • Lunch menu promotions selling 12 to 4pm 30% discount with one cold drinks.
  • Create A Special Menu e.g. beers and cocktails along with finger-foods.
  1. How will you ensure all products and services are packaged or actioned before customer delivery, including any variations, add-ons or special requests? How does this enhance the standard level of customer service?
  • Internal communication to ensure all products and services are packaged or actioned before customer delivery, including any variations, add-ons or special requests. Efficient internal communications within an organisation enhance the standard level of customer service by increasing transparency across departments
  1. Provide an overview of the characteristics of customers you typically would encounter in your chosen field of training. Describe their likely needs and expectations as well as any special needs.

Some of the characteristics are:

Demographic (age, gender, culture, etc):

  • People of different ages look at different aspects and services before selecting.
  • People having high budget make different choices than people having low income
  • Different people from different cultural background look for different services.

Geographic (state, city, country):

  • More Australians travel overseas than to an Australian tourist destination
  • Most of the city dwellers do shopping within 3-kilometre radius of their residence

Behavioural (lifestyle, social group)

  • Younger people like to travel and stay in places having an active nightlife
  • Some travellers prefer organized groups while some others may like to travel single or in small group.
  1. Select 4 of the potential problems you identified in Question 6. Imagine that these problems have been escalated to you to solve. What solutions could you implement to solve the customer’s immediate problem and also demonstrate high quality customer service (including replacements, refunds and alternatives)

Following solutions could be implemented to solve the customer’s immediate problem and also demonstrate high quality customer service:

  • Preventproblems by double checking the pricing and offering alternative services
  • Reducethe effect of problem by creating a substitute.
  • Compensateif necessary, by providing vouchers for another services.
  • Reportso that problems do not occur in future.


  1. How would you ensure similar problems could be avoided and service provisions improved in the future? What would this require and how should this be managed within the team in your service area?

We will ensure similar problems could be avoided and service provision improved  in future we  will deal every single problem. and we will creativey

Report incident and do follow up.

  1. Provide Training to the employees.
  2. Do department or one-to-one meetings Meeting
  3. Briefing before and after work
  1. Explain the procedures for dealing with conflict, outlining the steps and requirements for verbal and non verbal communication. What are your responsibilities as a supervisor/manager?


One of key responsibilities as a supervisor is to ensure the work environment runs smoothly and that employees work in coordination with one another and free from conflict. When disagreements or other contentious situations arise in the workplace, it can reduce productivity, harm employee relationships. Therefore, a manager should wisely deal with conflict. If I were manager then following will be my responsibilities in conflict management:

  • Listen carefully to the costumer after problem is identified
  • Understand the problem
  • Respond to prevent further deterioration of the situation.
  • Act instantaneously and in effective way to resolve the problem.
  • Follow up.


  1. Provide 3 examples of promotional items or initiatives which could be used in your service area, e.g. loyalty programs, and explain how these would be used effectively.

1.Mailing brochure: Mailing brochures to the costumers so that costumers can know about the services and items offered.

  1. Geo-targeted Ads:  Geo-targetingads help save money, ensuring that only users in certain cities or within a specific radius see our Ads.
  2. Monitoring Social Media Presence: Often, the restaurants with a strong social media presence as part of their restaurant marketing plan are the ones that fare the best, and in the competitive food industry, ignoring social media is a death sentence.
  1. Provide 3 examples for how you could anticipate the needs of your customers in your service area. This may include special provisions dependent on special needs, service situation, preferences etc.
  • Family with children in impact
  • Organization transform service
  • Language excess problem
  1. Develop a customer feedback form which would allow collection of:
    1. Details of customers to establish a database
    2. Responses to questions enquiring about the product and services you provide in your service area
    3. Additional comments or feedback from customers
    4. Special preferences of a customer


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