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Learning Environment and Classroom Management – Engaging Brochure Assignment | Online Assignment

Option 2: Engaging Brochure.

Prepare an engaging brochure with appropriate illustrations / graphics for parents that explains (a) which of the 5 approaches to classroom management you have selected, (b) why you selected this approach, and (c) how you will teach this approach to your class and how you will maintain this approach with your students. Bulleted points are acceptable

Identify if you will adjust this plan for a student who has an IEP, when a student is an English Learner, and when a student has a religious and / or cultural belief that somewhat clashes with your plan. Tell why and provide support for your rationale.

Grade Level: 1st Grade
Child’s IEP: Autism

Given the decisions and information mentioned in “Option 1” or “Option 2″ above, you will also provide a list of classroom rules and procedures, with a brief rationale, for each of the following typical situations in your classroom or other instructional environment


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