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Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Testing Assignment | Get Paper Help

Create a PowerPoint presentation with 16 to 20 slides (not including the title and reference slides) entitled Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Testing.

Provide 2 to 3 slides for each of the required topics and include appropriate citations of referenced sources.

Separate reference slides, which follow APA formatting guidelines for a References page, must be included at the end of the presentation.

Create your own template and organize presentation in the below sequence with no font smaller than 20 pt.
Please use relevant figures and graphics and cite any images used.

If a table or figure from a journal article is included, cite using APA. The notes section of each slide must include the text for oral comments that would be made to a live audience.

The Ethical and Social Implications of Testing
Provide an overview and brief evaluation of the ethical and social implications of psychological assessment.

Professional Responsibilities
Describe the responsibilities of both test publishers and test users.

Testing Individuals Representing Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
Analyze and describe issues related to the testing of cultural and linguistic minorities.

Explain the common sources of measurement error and how measurement error can impact reliability.

Create a diagram or figure to compare the types of validity discussed in the textbook.
Describe the extra validity concerns related to testing.
Review the articles by Fergus (2013), Kosson, et al. (2013) and Mathieu, Hare, Jones, Babiak, & Neumann (2013). Analyze the information presented in these articles on factor analysis and describe how it is used to validate the constructs of the instruments.

Reference: Fergus, T. A. (2013). A comparison of three self-report measures of intolerance of uncertainty: An examination of structure and incremental explanatory power in a community sample. Psychological Assessment, 25(4), 1322-1331. doi: 10.1037/a0034103

Reference: Kosson, D. S., Neumann, C. S., Forth, A. E., Salekin, R. T., Hare, R. D., Krischer, M. K., & Svecke, K. (2013). Factor structure of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV) in adolescent females. Psychological Assessment, 25(1), 71-83. doi: 10.1037/a0028986

Reference: Mathieu, C., Hare, R. D., Jones, D. N., Babiak, P., & Neumann, C. S. (2013). Factor structure of the B-Scan 360: A measure of corporate psychopathy. Psychological Assessment, 25(1), 288-293. doi: 10.1037/a0029262

Clinical Versus Statistical Prediction
Compare clinical and statistical prediction of mental health decisions based on the work of Ægisdóttir, et al. (2006) and Grove & Lloyd (2006).
Reference: Ægisdóttir, S., White, M. J., Spengler, P. M., Maugherman, A. S., Anderson, L. A., Cook, R. S., Nichols, C. N.,…Rush, J. D. (2006). The meta-analysis of clinical judgment project: Fifty-six years of accumulated research on clinical versus statistical prediction. The Counseling Psychologist, 34(3), 341-382. doi:10.1177/0011000005285875

Reference: Grove, W. M., & Lloyd, M. (2006). Meehl’s contribution to clinical versus statistical prediction. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 115(2), 192-194. doi: 10.1037/0021-843X.115.2.192

Application One: An Ethical and Professional Quandry
Ethical and Professional Quandries: Describe the ethical issues specific to the below scenario Include an analysis of the relevant principles from Standard 9 in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
A consulting psychologist is asked to evaluate a 9-year-old boy of Puerto Rican descent for possible learning disability. The child’s primary language is Spanish and his secondary language is English. The psychologist intends to use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV) and other tests. Because he knows almost no Spanish, the psychologist asks the child’s after-school babysitter to act as translator when this is required to communicate test directions, specific questions, or the child’s responses. Question: Is it an appropriate practice to use a translator when administering an individual test such as the WISC-IV?
Taking on the role of the psychologist or counselor in the chosen scenario, describe how you might respond to the challenge you selected and provide a brief rationale for your decision.

Application Two: Evidence-Based Medicine
Summarize Youngstrom’s (2013) recommendations for linking assessment directly to clinical decision making in evidence-based medicine.
Elaborate on each of Youngstrom’s recommendations by providing practical examples that illustrate the relevance of the recommendations in a clinical setting.
Reference: Youngstrom, E. A. (2013). Future directions in psychological assessment: Combining evidence-based medicine innovations with psychology’s historical strengths to enhance utility. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. 42(1), 139-159. doi: 10.1080/15374416.2012.736358.

Application Three: Selecting Valid Instruments
Create a research hypothesis or brief clinical case scenario in which you must select an instrument to measure intolerance for uncertainty.
Use the information in the Fergus (2013) article to support which measure to use.
Reference: Fergus, T. A. (2013). A comparison of three self-report measures of intolerance of uncertainty: An examination of the structure and incremental explanatory power in a community sample. Psychological Assessment, 25(4), 1322-1331. doi: 10.1037/a0034103


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