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Discuss how effective change initiatives can influence organizational performance.

Leadership article critique

The Brisson-Banks (2010) article in the required reading for this unit compares the five different change management models presented in this unit, and it describes various situational variables that could influence the effectiveness of each. Utilizing all of the knowledge accumulated through this and the previous units, write a critique of the article. Brisson-Banks, C. (2010). Managing change and transitions: A comparison of different models and their commonalities. Library Management, 31(4), 241-252. Retrieved fromhttps://libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/logi… hern.edu/docview/287901868?accountid=33337. The Article is attached below!!!!

In your paper, be sure to include the following:

 Evaluate different aspects of organizational change.

 Discuss the role that leader vision and organizational climate plays in a change management strategy.

 Discuss how effective change initiatives can influence organizational performance.

Be sure to follow the guidelines below:

 Accurately identify the premise and supporting points from the article.

 Provide an insightful and thorough analysis of information from the article, including using evidence and reasonable and compelling interpretations.

 Link material to course content and real-world situations.

 Demonstrate solid critical evaluation by providing well-supported opinions and conclusions using additional peerreviewed articles.

 Organize the material logically by using smooth transitions and grouping similar material together.

 Your paper should be at least two pages in length.

 All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations in APA format.


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