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Social work Skills Developed, Mastered or Mastering throughout the Foundation Year Assignment | Online Assignment

Assignment should describe social work skills and competencies I have developed during the first Foundation year at Graduate Social Work school and my goals for continuing professional development during next Advanced clinical ( psychotherapy) year. What kind of skills I have mastered or mastering, like active listening per say, without any interaction, prejudice, bias, no judgement, etc.
I was having my first year internship placement at Coney Island Seaside innovative senior center in Brooklyn, NY, JCCGCI
I was doing psychosocial sessions with the survivors of Holocaust, visiting them at their homes, recording sessions, helping them to overcome and share their problems and obstacles. At the office I was
Doing case management, social services for the elderly seniors at the center, like helping to apply to different social programs like affordable housing, food stamps, Verizon for seniors to pay less, entering all data , visits, notes, events, activities into the computerized data base, providing and hosting events for the survivors of the Holocaust, where elderly gather together, sing songs, laugh , eat food, perform acting scenes and have a wonderful time, enjoining it.


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