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Identifying Evidence-Based Practices Assignment | Online Assignment

2-1 Journal: Identifying Evidence-Based PracticesInstructions
It is important to be able to identify evidence-based methods and practices and to recognize how these practices are used for specific clients in appropriate settings. This journal activity will allow you to think through these important actions and to continue reflecting on the case study that you will address in your final project.First, review the case study in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document and select one of the following issues or conditions from the case study:Mobility issuesAssistance with activities of daily livingDifficulty paying billsStrokeTraumaThen identify evidence-based practices that might be used with a patient like Jean across at least two different settings:HospitalRehabilitation centerHome healthcareHospiceIn 250 to 300 words, explain how evidenced-based practices can be used to assist Jean and improve her quality of life, regarding one issue or condition across at least two different settings. Ideally, the practices you discuss will be relevant in multiple settings, but you may need to explain how these practices can be adjusted to fit certain settings.Remember to always approach the issue from the perspective of a human services professional as opposed to that of a healthcare professional such as a nurse or a doctor.For additional details, please refer to the Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.Click the above link to navigate to your journal and complete this module’s assignment.


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