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What does Lady Murasaki’s diary tell us about Heian Japan Assignment | Online Assignment

What does Lady Murasaki’s diary tell us about Heian Japan? What aspect of Heian Japan draws your interest the most? Why?

Lady Murasaki’s Diary Discussion Board What does Lady Murasaki’s diary tell us about Heian Japan? What aspect of Heian Japan draws your interest the most? Why? 1. Remember, the discussion board posts are mini-essays. Strive to write clearly, concisely, and persuasively. Also, strive to organize your thoughts clearly and coherently. 2. Demonstrate analysis, not just recite dates and/or facts (do use dates and facts, of course, but only to advance your analysis). 3. Use specific examples from the readings. 4. Be no less than 200 words but no more than 300. 5. Use proper grammar and citation (proofread before posting!). 6. Begin with an introductory paragraph that describes your topic and includes a thesis statement. In case you are raising your own questions concerning the reading, please replace “thesis statement” part with your question.


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