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Signature Autism Assignment | Online Assignment

Topic: Brain disorders ( autism) 1. Full description of the topic Research Interventions Diagnosis Brain function 2. Why you are interested in the topic 3. The most important things you have learned about the topic 4. Why you feel it is important for others to know about the topic 5. Include a minimum of 3 references in your reference section in APA format You must cite at least 3 scholarly articles in APA format. Exceeds Standards 50-44 points Meets Standards 43-32 Approaches Standards 31-20 points Needs 19-0 points Full Description of topic (50pts) Clearly gives a full description of the topic Gives a description of topic but could give more details Partially addresses the topic Do not give a full description of the topic. Brain Function (50pts) Clearly addresses the brain function Addresses the brain function but could give more details. Partially addresses the brain function or is unclear at times. Does not address the brain function. Diagnosis process (50pts) Clearly addresses how the disability is diagnosed. Addresses how the disability is diagnosed but unclear at times. Partially addresses how the disability is diagnosed. Does not address how it is diagnosed. Treatment/ interventions (50pts) Clearly addresses interventions /treatments for the topic Gives some description of interventions/treatments but could give more details Partially addresses interventions/treatment Does not address treatments/ interventions Exceeds Standards 25-20 points Meets Standards 19-15 Approaches Standards 14-10 points Needs 9-0 points Why are interested in this topic (25 pts) Clearly states why they are interested in this topic States why they are interested in this topic but could give more details Vaguely responded to why they are interested in this topic Does not give a reason for why they are interested in this topic The most Important things you have learned about this topic (25pts) Clearly identifies the most important things they have learned about this topic Identifies the most important things they have learned about this topic but unclear at times. Vaguely identifies the most important things they have learned about this topic. Does not identify the most important things they have learned about this topic. Why you feel it is important for others to know about this topic (25pts) Clearly addresses why it is important to know about this topic Addresses why it is important to know about this topic but unclear at times. Vaguely addresses why it is important to know about this topic Does not address why it is important to know about this topic Exceeds 10-9 Points Meets 8-5 points Approaches 4-3 Points Poor 2-0 Points Reference section in APA format and proper grammar with 0-1 typos (10pts) There is a reference section in APA format and there are less than 1 grammatical errors There is a reference section in APA format and there are less than 2 grammatical errors There is a reference section but not in APA format or does not include a reference section but cites work throughout assignment. And more than 3 grammatical errors There is no reference section and citations. There are 4 or more grammatical errors.Signature assignment(3)


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