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Paper of Reflection and Anticipation

Course Description

An overview of standard edited English, a standard central to academic and professional communications. The aim is to write clear, effective prose consistent with the writer’s goals. Topics include applying advanced grammatical and linguistic descriptions and prescriptions and attending to the needs of diverse audiences while making writing and editing decisions. Tasks focus on parts of speech, sentence patterns, and sentence transformations.

Nouns and verb forms, verb tenses (Simple, Perfect, Progressive, Perfect progressive), Regular/irregular verbs, Moods of verbs, Transitive/intransitive verbs, adjectives and adverbs

Instructions :

In the first three weeks of class, we have learned the eight parts of speech, their characteristics and functions, and how to recognize them and to apply them.

Now, please write a paper (500 words = two pages, double-spaced) answering these questions:

1. What motivated you to take this course, and how do you feel about that choice now?

2. Of the study completed thus far (through Week 3), how much of the material was new to you; of the material that you wasn’t new to you, to what degree were you familiar with it?

3. By what method have you ensured correct grammar in writing papers, for example, those required in courses you have taken?

4. How do you expect (or hope for) improved writing now, given what you have learned so far in the class?


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